Athena Goddess of The Great Athens

Athena, was the Greek Goddess of wisdom, war, the arts, justice and skill. She was the favorite child of Zeus, She had sprung fully grown from her father's head. Her mother was the goddess of wisdom and Zeus's first wife, Metis. In fear that he may bear a son mightier then himself Zeus swallowed Athena. Zeus came upon a great migrane, and called upon Hephaestus to split his skull open and from his skull emerged Athena. She is the virgin mother of Erichthnonius. Her usual attribute is the owl. And her father allowed her to possess the great Aegis.

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Friday, December 17, 2010


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Happy reading and may you gain great knowledge of the admirable subject of one of the greatest Greek or Otherwise Goddesses, Athena: Goddess of Wisdom, Defensive War, and Patroness of Warriors.

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